Author Thread: The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict

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The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict
Posted : 26 Mar, 2024 01:38 PM

The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict

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The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict
Posted : 26 Mar, 2024 02:48 PM

The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict

Joey and the deep state sure do like to pick and choose the disasters that they think are tragedies.

(assuming my math is correct) A train carrying toxic chemicals derails causing a huge disaster and major ecological mess, I think Joey Biden did not even mention the mess until 18 days after the fact.

However when a certain type of tradgy happens then Joey O-Biden (Obama-Biden) he is on top of the situation.

We can all recite the official story that O-Biden and the rest of the deep state are telling us about Ukraine. The story goes like this "The U.S.A. wants to support the peaceful Ukraians but big bad Russia attacked them" (so supposedly money should be sent to support the peaceful party.)

However if a small minority of people attack The nation of Israel.

Using the twisted logic that the deep state is trying to use... taxpayer money should be being sent to the victims that are in Israel...imagine sending your child to a music festival when suddenly terrorists from hamas start shooting. (Lets look at what the word hamas means)

Kamala seems to be trying to make an emotional appeal (which is a tactic that abusers try to use) by say that there is no place for those (poor) people to go

First of all I am not going to let that he/she (yep I am fairly confident thats a dude in a mask) but anyway they could go and pester Egypt

Nobody likes the palesteians, and I am not talking about the fat kid that smells like salted beef...nobody likes them because they are trouble makers.

Genesis 16:11-12

11 The angel of the Lord also said to her, “See, you are going to have a child. And you will give birth to a son. You will give him the name Ishmael, because the Lord has heard how you have suffered. 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against all people. And the hand of all people will be against him. He will live to the east of all his brothers.”

The simple truth is that the ideologies that the palastein people have is toxic

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The bridge collapse and U.S involvement in foreign conflict
Posted : 28 Mar, 2024 11:45 AM

J Biden said government will pay for it.

Many people are talking about this Terrible Tragedy.

Unfortunately this site is not a Political concern .

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