Author Thread: You have already said that Joe.

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You have already said that Joe.
Posted : 9 Mar, 2024 10:59 AM

A quick search of the website that has been produced by the program that I was watching this morning was unable to find the specific video clip, but the video that I thought was intresting was a compliation of the last few 'state of the union addresses.

The video revealed that Joey Biden basicly is repeating himself. What I am saying is that it appears like Joey is reading the same speech that he used last year...and last years speech was a re-reading of the previous years speech.

I would guess to say that there might be 20 or 30 instances of Joey giving the same information 3 years in a row.

A person might not be concerned with that behavior but during the presentation the American public is supposed to be informed about the current state of things.

I am reminded of two things: one is a 'business meeting' where the 'business man' would talk about unfinished business. I told the guy 'look you insist on that piece of business being done your way of doing things and that particular piece of business has been unfinished for the last 10 years...I think that it is time for you to swallow your pride' The second example that I am reminded of is the type of protesting that we seen during the antifia/blm riots. Where the 'clever idea' of the 'protesters' was to get a sign and write on it 'secure women's rights'. Statements like that are like blank checks, its like Adolph Hitler holding up a sign that says 'we need more nice guys' (Hitler proably thought that he was a nice guy) Americians realize that Joey is 'virtue signaling'

Its like if a guy said that 'he plans to give everyone on this website 1 million dollars' and keeps repeating the plan year after year!

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