Author Thread: What's impossible with man is possible with God

What's impossible with man is possible with God
Posted : 1 Nov, 2020 05:55 PM

That's what what I opened the Bible up to the night before I went to church this morning. Then at church preacher said this very thing. I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I was questioning whether or not God could answer my prayer for a girlfriend, a wife, a companion. And this virus has gotten worse where I live, and I guess I've been doubting because of it. But if it's impossible for me to find the right one, then it's possible for God. I don't know how He's going to do it, but I believe He will now. And I also believe that if man cannot or doesn't want to get rid of this virus then He is going to do it. Somehow, someway, He is going to get rid of it. If these things were to happen it would be a miracle. And it's a good I worship a God that can do miracles.

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