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I must ask, REAL ... or FAKE??
Posted : 27 Sep, 2014 01:33 AM

Ah, Deb, Awakened, those are quite useful ways to spot a fake. I completely forgot about reverse searching an image through Google. o.o

I'm not sure who I've come across that could have been a fake or not, but i certainly get a weighted amount of people from Africa more than anywhere else. The moment the talk goes straight to marriage, pet names, and mentions of love, I'm quick to be frank and just be on my way. :\

Now i just use this site to find friends instead of "looooove" lol. It's hard enough to find those you vibe with, let alone be matched up with someone who's actually evenly yoked. :[


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"woop" your kids
Posted : 17 Sep, 2014 02:44 PM

George, that's what I'm saying, darlin. The bible says use the rod, but it doesn't say HOW to use it, so you can't definitively say "yes, God says "woop" your kids".

Do you understand? :}

You said use scripture, so we have to go off of what's there. We can't imply our Own understanding to what's written. In some countries, you say 'dog' and they think loyal companion, in other countries, they think 'dinner time!' @__@ Unless Father has it clearly written how to use the rod, we can't add our own perspecitve.

You see that scripture, and see "woop your kids with it", i see it, and take and get a sly smirk, plotting at all the genius different ways i can use a rod to teach my child a lesson >x} (I personally am concocting a plan that uses the rod as a mobile to strap the kid to. Maybe even put a plate of cookies at the bottom as visual torture LoL! "Billy, You can't come down for cookies until you vow to clean your room!" LOL)


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I must ask, REAL ... or FAKE??
Posted : 15 Sep, 2014 12:11 AM

Mr. Mountain (lol, sorry, made me giggle), I do believe you and your friend are quite right. It's true, I pay attention to their eye contact, what their facial expression says, i want to make sure i speak appropriately and not take up too much of their time if they look like they really aren't in the mode for a conversation. :p You can tell when someone wants to speak and when they're confused like "why are you talking to me? o_0" Lol

Ugh, i really wish there was a term for such a condition lol T__T Nearly half the nation would have it. :p

Hoosier, ahhh i might say that person definitely raises suspicion. I dont mean to judge off limited information, but at the very least, they can't be too serious about a genuine connection if they're only putting 2 sentences and are already trying reeeeally hard to skooch on close to you lol. (and aparently skooch isn't a word =___= LoL oy)

When someone on here is quick to say 'i enjoy your profile...oh you are so great! ... oh i couldn't get you off my mind last night, i think about you all the time! oh you're so wonderful and loving, how i'd love to have you' me: 'oooooookaaaay sir, it's only been 3 days o__O ... and this is only your 3rd message to me...i..i think i gotta go now.. *slowly exits, stage left* '


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"woop" your kids
Posted : 14 Sep, 2014 11:59 PM

George, if that's the case, then you'd have to distinguish how you're meant to use the rod. Did it say swing it at the child or can we tie him to it and hoist him up on the wall until you wish to deal with him later? LoL

Again, that scripture doesn't say how to use the rod or if it's but one swing or ten. We don't have enough there to determine if you should "whoop" a child. Discipline is so circumstantial.

In this case i don't think you can accurately say "yes, hit the kid" or "no, don't thwack the child" lol.

And Rambo, good gracious, man! O___O Are you the hulk or something?! LOL No - Smash - Kids!! Please and Thank you!! ^.^


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Organic foods (non-GMO) and gardening
Posted : 12 Sep, 2014 03:30 PM

Oh aaabsolutely! (i'm such a hippie and health nerd) :yay:

I am designing and constructing a vertical self water planter for indoor use. I'll house many herbs and vegetables for quick access when I'm cooking. ^__^

I cant wait, the herbs alone are going to make some amaaazing teas! ^.^


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"woop" your kids
Posted : 12 Sep, 2014 03:02 PM

The bible does not say "do not discipline your children", nor does it say to lay hands on them in a "whooping" way.

We've discussed this actually, "spare the rod, spoil the child". Spare the rod, spare DISCIPLINE from a child and they can be spoiled. That doesn't mean literally grab a rod and beat the child until they are somehow transformed into a righteous being.

For the very FEW scriptures on how to discipline a child, there are too too TOO many more speaking of peace, LOVE, patience, kindness, to go the extra mile. We are to do all we can to Love FIRST, to strive for peace with EVERYONE(children included). I hardly believe anyone would feel comfortable going before God and swinging on a child.... Would that be looking like Jesus?

The worst of it is many parents do not know how to separate their ANGER from needed Constructive CORRECTION. Many times, parents are NOT disciplining their child, but are ANGRY because they did something they didn't want them to do. Correction is good, Anger is Not. TEACH them the right way FIRST, don't just go swinging anytime billy touches a lolly pop in the store. He is a CHILD for goodness sake, that's what children do! LoL! Oy.. (-___- ) Lol Have you ever taught the child the right way? Then why hit them when they fumble and do it the wrong way? They Don't Know. TEACH first. Then decide "ok, we need to correct this because you're not getting it, darlin"

Discipline is good, VERY good, it shapes us and molds us. It's how Father considers us His sons and daughters. Saying it's ok to do this or that to physically harm a child because YOU deem what they did "whoop worthy"... I've yet to see any scripture where my Father would applaud that... (-__- )

Ultimately, that child is NOT yours, but a blessing from Father. We are NOT our own. To say you can physically harm another soul, a HELPLESS soul at that, is unacceptable. There are just TOO many other ways to correct a child.. Teach the child as their leading example, Correct the child (without anger in your heart), and above all, please, Love them... Because love covers a Multitude of Sins(for every adult AND child..) :(

(*bows sincerely* I truly hope this helped a little. My apologies for it running a little long :( )


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modesty.....does it exist today?
Posted : 12 Sep, 2014 02:32 PM

ABSOLUTELY, it exists! Modesty is my favorite "fashion accessory" to wear! (oy, that was WAAAY too dang girly and hurt to say. Bleh! *scrubs my tongue* Wont do that again, psh! LoL) ^__^

But seriously, modesty comes at a point where a woman realizes "yes, i do have a figure that is favorable, but i don't have to flash it here and there to get attention". When her self respect means more to her than being seen or called pretty, that is when modesty has a chance to set in.

I do not understand why some females feel the need to dress that way for "fashion" purposes. There is SO much more to this life than what you clothe yourself in. If a woman spends more time, money, and effort on how she looks on the outside, and not even half as much effort shaping who she is on the inside, then that probably isn't the kind of woman a biblical man would be after. :}

Father already told us, He'd take care of what we eat and what we are clothed in, for He feeds the birds and clothes the flowers just fine, and how much more does He love and adore us over them. Lol It's fine to want to take CARE of your temple, to tend to the body Father has blessed you with, but when you step over into a more unGodly mindset, doing it for show and glamour, to glorify your own when it's taking a step a weee bit too far. :[


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I must ask, REAL ... or FAKE??
Posted : 11 Sep, 2014 08:21 PM

Oh goodness.. then I'm certainly in trouble lol. I use 'dear' often in my writing when addressing people I'm not close enough with to call "doll" or "sweetheart".

This all started when I was in high school and couldn't remember anybody's name! So i just started using 'hun' and 'darlin' because I could always recognize a familiar face, but the names just never stuck. =__=' heh..

I'd love to know if there was a study that put a term for that, for being able to recognize faces really well (even if you met only once), but just not able to hold on to the persons name(even if they said it three dang times). lol ^__^


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I must ask, REAL ... or FAKE??
Posted : 10 Sep, 2014 10:05 PM

They do?! O__O What on earth? They have nothing better to do? Aww, right when i thought it was safe to venture out onto the net(the net, is Never safe >.> LoL)

I would hope it wouldn't happen on a christian site. I came here to get away from all the curse words and such on facebook. :( (even deleted my facebook because i'd had enough of all the worldly mentions =__= )

Thank you honestly for pointing that out. Maybe I can try phrasing it a different way. ^__^ The last thing I'd want to do is scare potential friends away by seeming like i'm somehow a sly scammer of sorts :p


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I must ask, REAL ... or FAKE??
Posted : 8 Sep, 2014 10:28 PM

Ah, Bluesky, say it isn't so! lol Honestly, i say dear, darlin, hun, sugar briches LoL! I speak that way to strangers or people i've known for years. It's not to flirt or sweet talk, I'm an old soul at times. Consider it country hospitality. I have been accused of sounding like someone's grandma with all the hun, darlin, speak. LoL! (i do a pretty wonderful impression if i do say so myself LoL ^////^)

It's just part of my personality to speak warmly and sweet, no matter who it is. Ah, but everyone is different I suppose. It'd be pretty sad if my only allure toward "attracting" another, was using 'sweetheart'. If that was enough to make someone fall for me, then they must fall for pretty much anybody lol :p

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